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What is Israel’s multi-layered air defence system, which helped thwart Iran’s attacks? | Explained News


Israel’s multi-layered air defence system has defended the country from a major attack, with Iran launching over 300 armed drones and long-range missiles launched towards it on Saturday night (April 13).

The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) said the Iranian attack was thwarted and only a few missiles landed in its territory, causing minimal damage to an airbase in southern Israel and injuring a child. Iran had launched the attack in retaliation to an Israeli strike on its consulate in Damascus, Syria, earlier this month, killing several Iranian military commanders.

The IDF added that the Israeli air defence system intercepted 99 percent of the incoming projectiles from Iran. The United States, the United Kingdom, France and other Middle Eastern allies also helped defend Israel.

How does the Israeli air defence system work?

Israel’s air defence system is meant to provide multi-layered defences against a range of aerial threats, which includes aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). While cruise missiles fly at a low distance from the ground, ballistic missiles follow a parabolic trajectory.

It includes systems such as Arrow 2 and Arrow 3, David’s Sling (Stunner), Iron Dome, Patriot Advanced Capability-2, PAC-3 and advanced fighter jets operated by the country’s air force.

They are designed to counter specific threats and are integrated to work in tandem to provide a full-proof protection from projectiles.

What are the components of Israel’s defence system?

The Arrow system is a family of anti-ballistic missiles, capable of intercepting long-range missiles. Developed in collaboration with the US, Arrow-2 can intercept ballistic missiles within the atmosphere.

Arrow-3 has the capability of intercepting missiles outside the Earth’s atmosphere and it was employed to intercept long-range missiles launched by the Houthi militia in Yemen. The Houthis are believed to be backed by Iran.

The David’s Sling (or Stunner) is Israel’s medium-range air defence system, which can intercept cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and aircraft. With a range of 300 kilometres, it also has an advanced phased-array radar for easier detection.

The Iron Dome is Israel’s indigenous short-range air defence system which can intercept rockets, artillery shells, and mortar bombs. With a 70 kilometre range, it has been effectively shooting down short-range threats such as rockets launched by Hamas.

The US-made Patriot PAC-2 and PAC-3 are air defence systems that can intercept a range of missiles and target aircraft and drones. Counted as among the oldest air defence systems, they were employed during the First Gulf War in 1991 for intercepting Scud missiles launched by Iraq.

The F-16 and F-35 fighter jets play a major role in air defence, being equipped with air-to-air missiles.

Additionally, Israel is developing the Iron Beam to intercept incoming threats with laser technology. It is yet to be fully operational.

How has Israel responded to the Iranian attack?

As per senior military officials, Israel’s air defence targets projectiles at the terminal stage, which is when they are about to strike.

Air defence systems can also target projectiles at the source or when it is in transit. Ballistic missiles are easier to track since they have a standard parabolic trajectory, as compared to cruise missiles which can fox air defence systems due to their manoeuvrability.

Further, Iran had notified its neighbours of its retaliatory strikes on Israel 72 hours in advance, according to Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian. Military experts said this gave adequate time to Israel to keep its air defences under high alert.

Subsequently, an early radar warning was issued from bases near Iran, under the US military’s Central Command, which reportedly detected the initial tranche of incoming drones and missiles.

Detection of a projectile is possible in multiple ways, such as with the use of radars, satellites and human intelligence.

After a missile is detected, it is identified and destroyed by the air defence systems deployed.

Following the initial detection, Israel deployed its air defence and its allies’ fighter jets were pressed into action to intercept incoming projectiles from different locations.

The US military forces helped Israel take down several Iranian drones and missiles, while the UK’s Royal Air Force also helped shoot down drones launched by Iran. French jets from an air base in Jordan intercepted Iranian drones and missiles over Jordan’s air space.


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