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Strait Of Hormuz

Father of Malayali woman cadet released by Iranian commandos also faced attack on ship 16 years ago

[ad_1] Ann Tessa Joseph (21), a cadet on the Israel-linked ship captured by the Iranian commandos, is now safely back home in Kottayam, Kerala. Her father Biju Abraham also worked on another ship and in sheer coincidence, he too had escaped from an attack on the vessel back in 2008.As a five-year-old child, Ann had heard…

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‘Released because I was only woman among 25-member crew’: Kerala resident Ann Tessa Joseph returns from ship seized by Iran | Thiruvananthapuram News

[ad_1] The only woman among the 25-member crew on board the Israel-linked cargo ship seized by Iran’s military near the Strait of Hormuz, in the Gulf of Oman, returned to her native Kerala on Thursday. Ann Tessa Joseph said her release was unexpected. “On Wednesday evening, I was told to pack up and get ready…

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17 Indians On Board Cargo Ship ‘Seized’ Off UAE Coast, Sources Say ‘India In Touch with Iran’; Video Released

[ad_1] Portuguese-flagged MSC Aries, a container ship, has been seized by Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard. The ship was headed to Mumbai. (Image: SOURCED) Iranian Revolutionary Guards Raid, Seize Vessel Headed Towards India Near Strait of Hormuz After reports surfaced of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards seizing an Israeli-linked cargo ship in the Strait of Hormuz on Saturday,…

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17 Indians on board Israeli-linked vessel seized by Iran in Strait of Hormuz

[ad_1] Iranian commandos Saturday seized an Israeli-affiliated container ship carrying 17 Indian crew members, the latest escalation in West Asia’s spiralling tensions which New Delhi has now found itself caught up in. Members of the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard rappelled down from a helicopter onto the Portuguese-flagged MSC Aries near the Strait of Hormuz and, according…

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